What is ISO 9001:2015? ON G WOOD PRODUCTS!

What is ISO 9001:2015? ON G WOOD PRODUCTS!

ISO 9001:2015

To offer to specific industries, being ISO 9001 confirmed is required — the lumber business is a popular example. We were guaranteed to ISO in 2020, and it’s aided our association from multiple points of view.

ISO standards have given us a format of what should be done on each request. We know the guidelines that should be met, and we have the instruments set up to guarantee quality, consistency, and security. What we do, how we check for quality, and what’s expected of us are completely spread out by ISO.

ISO certification norms additionally help keep our products and administrations applicable. At the point when the norms change, we change alongside them. At the point when we work with new clients, we send them our confirmation details so they realize they can expect ISO guidelines to be met.

Standardization in the field of the wood and wood-based industries, including but not limited to sustainability and renewability aspects, chain of custody, timber tracking, and timber measurement, across the entire supply chain from biomass production to the finished wood and wood-based products.

Excluded: those applications covered by ISO/TC 6 “Paper, board and pulps”; ISO/TC 89 “Wood-based panels”; ISO/TC 165 “Timber structures”; ISO/TC 218 “Timber”; and ISO/TC 207 “Environmental management”.


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